KernDra's BentoY
My friend Kerndra (online name) has been watching my blog and asked me if I would make him a bento too. For his birthday I thought... why not?! So although he lives far away and can't enjoy eating this bento :( I made it non the less. Hope you like it Kern! *hugs*Top: Cucumbers, Radish pyramid and pin wheel, sliced Kiwi, baby Corn, baby Garlic Dill pickle, Mushrooms (sorry I didn't have any shiitake ones left), Butternut Squash, Green Onions, and the dip is Pineapple mango chutney sauce with a sprig of Italian parsley.
Bottom: Sticky Rice with radish peel initials and smiley, Jumbo Coconut shrimp, Italian parsley sprig.
Left: Small cup of Banana flavored tofu dessert with banana slices as garnish.