Medieval Gelato!
Okay so this last weekend I was the Host to the Historical Arts event in the Medieval group I'm in (MCRS). It was stressful, but successful, and lots of fun. My husband was the Feast steward, and boy did he put on a Feast. I'm just sorry I was to busy to snap some shots of the food. I had entered into the Bardic Tournament singing acapella "Veni Veni Emmanuel" completely in Latin taking Second place! The way exciting part for me though was my son Orion (age 3) won First place in the Children's Historical Arts entries with his Gelato! It all started when he said he wanted Ice Cream about a month ago, and I thought it'd be fun to make it ourselves. I was also debating a topic for my Historical Arts entry. It was decided that I wouldn't put in an entry and I'd help my son to do so. We looked up the history of Ice Cream and found all sorts of fun interesting stories. I then got all the fixings to make our own Gelato according to the Medieval time period. It's a simple and fun activity to do with kids, with yummy results. We ended up serving the Gelato as the Dessert for the Feast that night. Okay so enough talk... this Gelato was made with: Snow (shaved ice), a little bit of sugar (like one tablespoon or less), cream, and this particular one was made with Almond Flavoring. (It's traditionally made with a variety of Fruit juices, although Almond is a very period flavor as well)
Onto the picture! Here's a picture of my son in the making process and other of him being way excited about the prize he won.

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