July 7th 2010, Elias turns 2 years old! He's no longer my little baby, he's my toddler, all grown up. *sniff sniff, wipes tear* Okay I'm good now. For his birthday he got to go to the theater to watch Surf's Up with all the other kids from the Library's Summer reading program. Shopping with Mommy (he loves to be my helper). And had a few friends meet us at the park to play and eat cake. He had a blast and hopefully he's as worn out as I am and will sleep in a bit tomorrow. :P Any who so here's a picture of him, and then a picture of his cake. He told me he wanted a car cake, it ended up becoming a little truck, but he still loved it and it was actually fairly simple to make. Now Orion is telling me he wants a Train cake for his birthday later this month *sigh* we'll see.

July 7th 2010, Elias turns 2 years old! He's no longer my little baby, he's my toddler, all grown up. *sniff sniff, wipes tear* Okay I'm good now. For his birthday he got to go to the theater to watch Surf's Up with all the other kids from the Library's Summer reading program. Shopping with Mommy (he loves to be my helper). And had a few friends meet us at the park to play and eat cake. He had a blast and hopefully he's as worn out as I am and will sleep in a bit tomorrow. :P Any who so here's a picture of him, and then a picture of his cake. He told me he wanted a car cake, it ended up becoming a little truck, but he still loved it and it was actually fairly simple to make. Now Orion is telling me he wants a Train cake for his birthday later this month *sigh* we'll see.

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